Teaching Practicum

 The registration for the Teaching Practicum is now closed. The next cohort will begin December 2025.

What is the Teaching Practicum?

The Teaching Practicum is a CIRTL program that builds on key concepts and experiences from the CIRTL Associate level. The Teaching Practicum is a one-term mentorship program where the participant works with an experienced instructor in their discipline to enhance their understanding and experience of teaching a university course. During the internship, the interns will observe mentors in their teaching, teach guest lectures and receive feedback on their teaching, discuss approaches to teaching with their mentors, and engage in group discussions of teaching with other PDFs from their cohort. Throughout the internship, CIRTL also offers a number of teaching development workshops (typically one 2-hour workshop per month) to support the interns for different components of the Internship. This may include workshops on:

  • November 16, 2024: Asynchronous course opens (overview of program, requirements, etc.)
  • December 5, 2024: 10am – 12pm PST – Lesson Design Clinic
  • January 9, 2025: 10am-12 pm PST – Teaching Portfolios Workshop
  • February 6, 2025: 10am-12 pm PST – Introduction to Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Workshop
  • March 6, 2025: 10am-12 pm PST – Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Teaching Workshop
  • April 3, 2025: 10am-12 pm PST – Final Reflections & Expert Panel Discussion

This program is open to both graduate students and postdocs. The Teaching Practicum is the second part of the Postdoc Teaching Internship and completion of the program qualifies all participants for the CIRTL Practitioner level.



Participants must independently find a mentor who will be teaching during the same semester that participants wish to be part of the teaching practicum.

Minimum Suggested
Start of Class
  • 1 mentor meeting
    • Reviewing & discussing the course syllabus
  • Observing the first day of class
  • 1 mentor meeting
    • Reviewing & discussing the course syllabus
Observing Your Mentor
  • 2 observations
  • 1 post-observation meeting with mentor to discuss the observations
  • 1 observation reflection
  • 3 observations
  • 3 post-observation meetings with mentors after each observation
  • 1 observation reflection
Guest Lectures
  • 2 lectures
  • Mentor must approve lesson plans
  • Mentor does not need to attend
  • 2 guest lecture reflections
  • 3 guest lectures
  • Mentor approves lesson plans & attends lessons
  • Mentor provides feedback
  • 3 guest lecture reflections
Practicum Workshops
  • No need to attend the program overview workshop
  • Attend 4/5 of the semester workshops
  • Submit a lesson plan draft
  • Provide peer review of 2 lesson plans
  • Submit a teaching philosophy draft
  • Provide peer review of 2 teaching philosophies
  • Submit a SoTL Question Worksheet
  • Submit a diversity statement draft
  • Provide peer review of 2 diversity statements
  • Attend program overview workshop
  • Attend 5/5 of the semester workshops
  • Submit a lesson plan draft
  • Provide peer review of 2 lesson plans
  • Submit a teaching philosophy draft
  • Provide peer review of 2 teaching philosophies
  • Submit a SoTL Question Worksheet
  • Submit a diversity statement draft
  • Provide peer review of 2 diversity statements



Registration is now open for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.