What is CIRTL

The Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) is a network of research-intensive universities interested in improving undergraduate teaching through graduate student and postdoc training.

The mission of CIRTL@UBC is to train graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to teach in undergraduate classes.

The CIRTL network is built on three core ideas:

    1. Learning communities. Groups of people interested in sharing ideas for improving student learning.  CIRTL learning communities are both local to UBC, such as face-to-face courses and projects, as well as the cross-network learning community that includes online live courses, resources, and massive open online courses (MOOCs).
    2. Teaching-as-Research. Practitioners have many existing research skills that can be used to develop effective and efficient teaching practices. Recognizing that teaching and learning is a dynamic and ongoing process, which can be improved in an iterative fashion and which can be systematically studied, are important commonalities with disciplinary research.
    3. Learning through Diversity. UBC strives to be an environment where respect for human rights and equity are integral to our academic community. Beyond inclusivity, we celebrate the life experiences and perspectives that each person brings to the classroom, and recognize the essential link between excellence and diversity.